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Welcome to Yalla!

I know how challenging learning Hebrew can be...

שָׁלוֹם I'm Mike,

When I moved to Israel in 2012 I didn’t know more than 20 words. I struggled to express myself in social situations, I was nervous about making mistakes and a bit ashamed to ask people to speak in English as I didn’t want to be a burden on others, and I also probably wanted them to think highly of me.

I remember being so quiet in social situations because I was afraid of making mistakes, of “slowing down” the conversation, of “making others” be patient with me. So I had a tough time learning Hebrew. I often felt socially isolated and frustrated with not progressing as quickly as I wanted to. 

But I was very clear on what I wanted, and didn’t want. I didn’t want to be the one that people switch to English when they speak to them. I didn’t want to continue having superficial relationships with people. And I didn’t want to continue having my personality completely hidden because I couldn’t be myself in Hebrew. 

So with hard work and an effective approach that I developed constantly over time, I was speaking fluently after 3 years. I got a job as a primary school teacher where I taught, had meetings with staff and parents and managed my entire professional life in Hebrew. It was a remarkable experience and an incredible feeling of accomplishment. 

After school teaching I moved into teaching Hebrew. I've been teaching hundreds of students how to take their Hebrew to that next level since 2016. 

Here you have come to my Yalla יַאלְלָה  course. Yalla is my premium online Hebrew course for beginner students, designed to take you step by step from where you are now to being able to have conversations with native speakers feeling confident and comfortable while doing so. 

What will I learn in "Yalla"?

  • Learn over 250 of the most used words and conversational phrases so that you can start having conversations straight away

  • Never forget these words by using specifically designed audio-visual flashcards that drive these words into your long term memory

  • Improve your pronunciation with a native speaker as your guide so that you’ll be easier to understand and can speak more confidently

  • Equip yourself with the mindset required to overcome fears and let yourself speak freely and enjoyably

  • Learn the key grammar concepts so that you’ll be increasingly confident in creating clear and coherent sentences

  • Hone your conversational skills with real life dialogues about relevant topics at varying speeds so that you’ll be comfortable and as ready when you find yourself in actual conversation.

More about Yalla

**Click here to see a full outline of the course syllabus**

Yalla is a video course split into chapters. In each chapter we’ll learn a list of highly used words and conversational phrases. This way we’ll be developing a highly practical vocabulary that will allow us to have conversations straight away.

As we learn the words we’ll be training comprehension (listening) skills with the help of a native speaker so that we can comprehend these words when we hear them. We’ll be working on our pronunciation of them so that we can pronounce them confidently and be understandably.

Then we'll learn a dialogue which will put these words and a range of everyday conversational phrases together into a real life conversation.

The dialogue will emulate an actual conversation with fast talking and background noise. Therefore we’ll be getting you ready for having such conversations in Israel or in your everyday life with Hebrew speakers. 

In each chapter there'll also be a grammar lesson. I’ll take you step by step in a clear and organized way through all the grammar principles you need in order to construct sentences of your own.

Thought of speaking makes you anxious?

The course begins with a prelude - the supportive mindset. Here we set you up with the mental fortitude that will allow you to overcome any fears you may have around speaking, making mistakes and not understanding. 

Our mindset or emotional state while speaking is more important than our technical ability (our vocabulary, grammar knowledge or pronunciation). In my experience if I'm nervous or stressed when I speak then my Hebrew ability is dramatically compromised. Conversely, if I'm feeling relatively relaxed and enjoying speaking then my Hebrew flourishes as a result. So we'll spend some time setting you up with this mindset you'll need to support you on your Hebrew journey.

So, to sum up, in the Yalla course you will develop the following skills:

  1. Comprehension of the words/phrases when you hear them at full conversational speed
  2. Proper pronunciation of the words/phrases so that you’ll be understood in conversation
  3. Basic grammar concepts to create your own sentences in real time in a conversation.
  4. Familiarity with real life, every day dialogues to gain comfort engaging in such dialogues
  5. Tactics to build confidence and overcome anxiety

To support your learning Yalla comes along with...

  • 100 page Course Workbook

    $80 value

    Our beautifully designed and clearly organized full color workbook. Complete with all of the words and their images, sentences, dialogues and grammar principles. Downloadable as PDF.

  • 500 Audio/Visual Flashcards

    $100 value

    Over 500 digital flashcards with images to aid memory, sentences to deepen understanding and native speaker audio to sharpen pronunciation. Available to study on your computer or mobile device.

  • Pro membership to create your own flashcards

    $60 value

    All Yalla students receive a 12 month pro membership to Brainscape, one of the premier flashcard platforms online. Brainscape will allow you to create your own audio/visual flashcards to deepen your learning.

  • Audio Submissions (9 in total)

    $100 value

    At the end of every chapter you’ll have the opportunity to submit to me an audio recording of yourself reciting that chapter’s dialogue. I’ll respond encouragingly with feedback on how you can improve and celebrate the incredible effort that you’re making.

  • Access to the Yalla Private Group

    $75 value

    All Yalla students will gain access to a private group whereby you will be able to connect with other students also going through the course. The group is a place where you can share your journey, make friends and give and receive support from one another. I moderate the group and will be there to answer any questions and help you on your way.

Course curriculum

An overview of the course with lessons available for you to preview freely

  • 1

    Welcome to Yalla!

  • 2

    Prelude: The Supportive Mindset

  • 3

    Hi, how are you? - שָׁלוֹם, מָה נִשְׁמַע

  • 4

    Where are you from? - מֵאֵיפֹה אַתָּה/אַתְּ

    • 2a. Words, Sentences & Phrases (listening)

    • 2b. Words, Sentences & Phrases (pronunciation)

    • 2c. Grammar

    • 2d. Dialogue (listening)

    • 2e. Dialogue (speaking)

    • 2f. Dialogue (comparison)

    • Audio Submission

    • Chapter 2 Quiz

    • Connect with the Community

  • 5

    Where do you live? What do you do? - אֵיפֹה אַתָּה גָּר? מָה אַתְּ עוֹשָׂה

    • 3a. Words, Sentences & Phrases (listening)

    • 3b. Words, Sentences & Phrases (pronunciation)

    • 3c. Grammar

    • 3d. Dialogue (listening)

    • 3e. Dialogue (speaking)

    • 3f. Dialogue (comparison)

    • Audio Submission

    • Chapter 3 Quiz

    • Connect with the Community

  • 6

    What are you doing today? - מָה אַתָּה עוֹשֶׂה הַיּוֹם

    • 4a. Words, Sentences & Phrases (listening)

    • 4b. Words, Sentences & Phrases (pronunciation)

    • 4c. Grammar

    • 4d. Dialogue (listening)

    • 4e. Dialogue (speaking)

    • 4f. Dialogue (comparison)

    • Audio Submission

    • Chapter 4 Quiz

    • Connect with the Community

  • 7

    The Lesson - הַשִּׁיעוּר

    • 5a. Words, Sentences & Phrases (listening)

    • 5b. Words, Sentences & Phrases (pronunciation)

    • 5c. Grammar

    • 5d. Dialogue (listening)

    • 5e. Dialogue (speaking)

    • 5f. Dialogue (comparison)

    • Audio Submission

    • Chapter 5 Quiz

    • Invitation: Connect with the Community

  • 8

    The Cafe - בֵּית הַקָּפֶה

    • 6a. Words, Sentences & Phrases (listening)

    • 6b. Words, Sentences & Phrases (pronunciation)

    • 6c. Grammar

    • 6d. Dialogue (listening)

    • 6e. Dialogue (speaking)

    • 6f. Dialogue (comparison)

    • Audio Submission

    • Quiz

  • 9

    On the Bus - בָּאוֹטוֹבּוּס

    • 7a. Words, Sentences & Phrases (listening)

    • 7b. Words, Sentences & Phrases (pronunciation)

    • 7c. Grammar

    • 7d. Dialogue (listening)

    • 7e. Dialogue (speaking)

    • 7f. Dialogue (comparison)

    • Audio Submission

    • Quiz

  • 10

    The Market - הַשּׁוּק

    • 8a. Words, Sentences & Phrases (listening)

    • 8b. Words, Sentences & Phrases (pronunciation)

    • 8c. Grammar

    • 8d. Dialogue (listening)

    • 8e. Dialogue (speaking)

    • 8f. Dialogue (comparison)

    • Audio Submission

    • Quiz

  • 11

    The Kitchen - הַמִּטְבָּח

    • 9a. Words, Sentences & Phrases (listening)

    • 9b. Words, Sentences & Phrases (pronunciation)

    • 9c. Grammar

    • 9d. Dialogue (listening)

    • 9e. Dialogue (speaking)

    • 9f. Dialogue (comparison)

    • Audio Submission

    • Quiz

  • 12

    Next steps

    • Congratulations מַזָּל טוֹב! Here's what's next...

“You’re a born teacher and coach and I am the beneficiary of your skill and experience. I’m learning Hebrew and that’s a joy.”


“I never thought doing a language course online could be useful, but your course proved me wrong. Your method has me remembering every new word and sentences, and I am able to implement them in every day uses. I recommend you to everyone I know needing to learn Hebrew.”


“Thank you Mike for a great course. I will sign up for the next level.”


“I feel very blessed to have found Mike! He is just the teacher I needed to help me advance my Hebrew and build my confidence.”


“Mike is one of the best teachers I’ve ever had and I’m so grateful.”


“Teacher Mike makes learning Hebrew fun, practical, and effective. He's just the damn best. ”


Meet Teacher Mike

"My mission is to get you speaking Hebrew"

Mike Korman

Senior Teacher

I'm the founder of Teacher Mike and have been teaching Hebrew since 2015. I taught myself to speak fluent Hebrew and found employment, friends and a new life in Israel through the language. It was a challenging process. I want to help my students to speak Hebrew confidently and comfortably at whatever level they desire. My approach merges both the technical "how" to learn fluent Hebrew with the mental/emotional side of learning the language and the challenges it brings up for all of us.

All of our courses come with a 30 day money back guarantee

I want you to feel confident in knowing that if you purchase a course from me and are not satisfied in any way then I will refund your money within 30 days of purchase.
Money back guarantee


  • What Hebrew level is the course for?

    The course is for Hebrew learners who : 1) can have only very basic conversation if at all (1-5 words) and are looking to dramatically improve their conversational ability (speaking and understanding). 2) feel anxious or low on confidence in their conversational ability and 3) can already read Hebrew (even at a very basic level)

  • What is your refund policy?

    If for whatever reason you feel that the course is not what you’re looking for then we’ll refund your money within a 30 day period of when you signed up.

  • Are there any prerequisites for me to sign up?

    This course requires you to know the very basics of reading - so if you aren’t familiar with the letters and vowel symbols and the sounds they make then you will need to learn that first because I will not be using transliteration in this course. I have a course which teaches you everything you need to know about reading which is linked here ( For a free option here are some youtube videos that cover the basics well (

  • How long will it take me to complete the course?

    About 10 weeks if you can study 20-30 minutes a day. Here’s the breakdown: Week 1 - Intro videos and getting started Week 2 - Chapter 1 (25 minutes to watch videos) + daily study of 10-30 minutes Week 3-10 - Remaining chapters + daily study of 10-30 minutes Going any faster than this could compromise learning. Remembering that this course has a large amount of content for your brain to process and master. Around 250 new words and phrases each with its own sentence (so 250 sentences). 9 dialogues of increasing difficulty. Sound files for every word, sentence and dialogue. 9 grammar lessons each with its own few points to remember. 9 quizzes to check understanding. And over 500 flashcards to help you remember all of your words, understand them when you hear them, pronounce them clearly and build confidence in creating your own sentences with them. This is a ginormous amount of content and 10 weeks is really the minimum that we want to give your brain (and your ears and facial muscles) to absorb and then begin to use this content in conversation.

  • When does the course start and finish?

    The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. My recommendation is that you allot 10-20 weeks to complete the course.

  • How long do I have access to the course?

    After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. The flashcards will be available to you for 12 months unless you continue

Pricing options

Feeling interested but unsure?

Would a call with me help support you? I'd be glad to discuss the course and your needs in more detail over the phone (zoom). Please make a time with me...
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